Over 500 teachers in Kakuma complete a one year Eneza digital refresher course

Teachers from schools at Kakuma Refugee camp were enabled digital teacher training courses through Eneza’s Short Messaging Service (SMS) study tool. Read more to learn about the courses provided.

Over the last year, Xavier Project in partnership with Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Eneza Education has been enabling teachers from all the schools in Kakuma Refugee Camp to participate in digital teacher training through using Eneza, a mobile Short Messaging Service (SMS) study tool. The teachers took courses such as Classroom Management, Staff Management, Educational Management and Financial Management among a variety of other topics. The pedagogical refresher course serves to improve the quality of education refugees are receiving by empowering teachers’ professional skills in emergency contexts.

Over 500 teachers who successfully completed the course were awarded their  completion certificate this month in the presence of Xavier Project and LWF staff. 88% of the teachers believed that the programme boosted their skills and the majority recommended expanding the programme to other teachers who did not participate.

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